Friday, April 16, 2010

Tears in your eyes blurr your vision

A german song of Julio Iglasias in 1982 has changed my life and my perception of almost everything.
Its not just a song, it became a rule for me to follow in my life. tried to follow everytime i had tears in my eyes.
Sometimes it worked, sometimes failed.
sometimes i was strong enough to dry my tears, sometimes a kind hand of someone dried them away.
sometimes they lasted years, sometimes it was just few days and i am back to my old self again.
sometimes tears blurred my vision and i lost my path, sometimes tears cleared my heart, washed my eyes from dust and made me see clearer.
sometimes i was able to manage on my own, sometimes i needed a shoulder to cry and rest my head on.

bottom line i learned from this song is not to keep tears in my eyes for long. whenever there is pain, tears would flow from my eyes, taking the pain off my chest, clearing and cleaning my eyes from dust and clearing my vision, so that i can go on with my life in a better way.

I also learned not to give up on my entire life just because a part of it is broken.
i would go on wiht my duties,
would go on loving my friends
would go on "feeding my pigeons"
would go on enjoying simple joys of life
would go on trying to fix the broken part
would go on trying to find the right path for me
would go on developing myself
would not condemn myself for a mistake i did
would learn from my mistake
would forgive those who hurt me
would forget those who hurt me
would feel grateful for those who offered to lend me a hand
would go on loving the world
and Thank God for the sun shine every morning.

Here the original german lyrics, for those who understand german:

Julio Iglesias - Mit Tränen in den Augen ist man blind

Schau, die Sonne steht noch immer über Dir,
Die Blumen blühen noch immer vor der Tür
Und der Himmel ist blau

Hör, die Kinder spielen hinten auf dem Hof,
aus offnen Fenstern klingen Radios,
weil die Weilt ist nicht grau

Schau, die alte Dame, mit der keiner spricht,
vergisst auch heute ihre Tauben nicht,
dort im Park bleibt sie stehn

Schau, die Welt sie dreht sich weiter wie vorher
Und scheint sie dir auch sinnlos und leer
Sie ist immer noch schön
Jedoch, mit Tränen in den Augen ist man blind,
man sieht nicht wie die Dinge wirklich sind
und fühlt sich nur so grenzenlos allein
Jedoch, mit Tränen in den Augen ist man blind,
Drum geb mir deine Hand so wie ein Kind,
und lass mich bei dir sein
Schau, was war das hat dich froh und gleich gemacht,
du hast getanzt, du hast mit ihm gelacht,
Nun ist alles vorbei

Doch was war, lebt fort in der Erinnerung
Nimm deshalb dein Geschenk, frag nicht warum
Du bist jung du bist frei

Jedoch, mit Tränen in den Augen ist man blind,
man sieht nicht wie die Dinge wirklich sind
und fühlt sich nur so grenzenlos allein, allein, allein

Jedoch, mit Tränen in den Augen ist man blind,
Drum geb mir deine Hand so wie ein Kind,
und lass mich bei dir sein

Schau, die Sterne strahlen immer noch bei Nacht,
und alles was dich heute traurig macht
ist ein Traum der vergeht

Schau, ich will dir helfen, will zu dir stehn,
du darfst die Welt nicht mehr so düster sehn,
weil ja ich bei dir bin

and the english translation for non-german speakers :)

Julio Iglesias - With tears in his eyes one is blind

Look, the sun still shines above you,

flowers still blossom on the doorstep
And the sky is blue

Listen, children still play on the backyard,
from open windows comes the sound of radios,
and the world isn’t always grey

Look, the old lady with whom no one speaks,
never forgets her pigeons,
there, she is, standing in the park feeding them
Look, the world just turns like before
Although it seems meaningless and empty to you,
it is still beautiful

However, with tears in their eyes you are blind,
you do not see how things really are
and you feel as lonely as ever

However, with tears in their eyes you are blind,
So give me your hand like a child,
and let me be with you

Look, what was it that made you happy and equal,
you danced, you laughed with him,
Now it is all over
the past just lives on in memory
so just accept your gift, and dont ask why
You are young, you are free

However, with tears in their eyes you are blind,
you do not see how things really are
and feels just as limitless alone, alone, alone
However, with tears in their eyes you are blind,
So give me your hand like a child,
and let me be at your side

Look, the stars still shine at night,
and everything that makes you sad today
is just a dream that will pass

Look, I want to help you, will stand to you,
you may not see the world as bleak
because yes I am here for you

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