Tuesday, March 30, 2010

يوم من عمر رجل نبيل

رجل لا يملك قوت يومه و يسعي جاهدا للوصول الي سبق صحفي يعزز مكانته عند رئيس التحرير. تأتي الفرصة ليرتقي في وظيفته و يحصل على مكافأة مالية ضخمة تنقذه من الديون، و لكنه يرفض هذه الفرصة و يدير ظهره لها.
يراها فرصة غير نظيفة لأنه سيستغل فتاة و ثقت به ، أحبته، أئتمنته على سرها و طلبت منه العون ضد ما تعرضت له من ظلم. أحس أنه لو خان ثقتها، لو أذاع سرها لن يستحق حبها، و لن يكون صحفيا شريفا، و لا حتى ...... انسانا.
فعل ما يمليه عليه ضميره الانساني والصحفي. لم يتردد، تصرف بطبيعة تنم عن نبل أخلاقه. حطم قلبه بيده ليحفظ لها كرامتها أمام عائلتها، حفظ سرها و حافظ عليها حتى اطمئن أنها أصبحت بأمان. أعطاها السبق الصحفي و الصور، مفضلا ضياع مستقبله عن ضياعها هي. فضل حياتها على مستقبله، و كرامتها على حياته. أملى عليه حبه و احترامه لها ما يجب عليه فعله، فلم يسأل عن مصيره أو يحاول أن يجد مخرجا يضمن له وظيفته بل انتصر لمبادئه، لكرامته و لانسانيته و لحبه.
حليم، نبل أخلاقك أظهر بوضوح قبح أخلاق من يعيشون هذا الزمان. من يغدرون، ومن يدوسون الآخرين أثناء بحثهم عن "سبق صحفي"، و من يستبيحون ثقة الآخرين، و من يخونون الأمانة و من يجرحون بغير ندم.
حليم، ألوذ بصوتك متى افتقدت نبل أخلاقك، أعود الي زمانك متى قسى علي زماني، أعود اليك متى أحسست بالوحدة تجمد قلبي، أحتمي بدفء صوتك كلما أمطرت السماء و ليس معي ما أحتمي به، أردد أغانيك حين أحن الي المشاعر الصادقة.
و حين تخونني شجاعتي فلا أقوى على كتمان دموعي، أتذكرك و أدعو الله أن يرزقك رحمته و الجنة.

Halim, a tender dream

An old dream was to attend one of his conerts, talk to him in person and tell him how much i love him. when he died, i never understood that this dream would never come true, that he is gone forever. i kept the dream while growing up, until i understood that where he went i can not reach him for the time being. i still remember that sadness, which i felt filling my heart. one of my sincerest dreams would never come true.

For me Halim is not just a singer. He is someone, who has touched my heart when i was only 3 years old. my nanny used to tell me how i went very quiet, when I heared him singing. I simply stop crying or talking and listen carefully to that voice. When i was a good girl, mom would let me listen to his song at 7 p.m. in Om Kolthoum radio station.
A simple and tender warmth,touching the deepest of my heart at this young age-was never forgotten.

When I grow up, at 1st year of collage, I went visiting his house.
simply knocked at the door, and a lady opened. his cousin.I had no hope she would let me in. but she did. kindly accompanied me to his part of the appartment. I promised not to touch anything. i would just smell the odeur in. and I kept my promise. I didnt dare. everything had his smell. I dont know how i knew its his smell. but i did. I could hear his voice and see him moving arround. I remembered all pictures of him in his house, and I could trace his moves everywhere.
I didnt dare to enter his bedroom. I refused to have it open, even to take a look. I feared not finding him there. Still remember this visit, still gaze up at the house when i pass by it. still remember him.

i could never answer the question of what exactely attracted me to him. and i still cant. not his voice or fame as singer. not his lovely songs and warm feelings and passion that is shouting out of them.
i adore all what "he said". love songs, patriatic songs, prayers, his interviews, his movies, his radio serie.
Why I love him, I stopped asking this question. I simply love him. bas keda.

Halim, ya a3az el nas, you are always in my prayers.not as my beloved singer, but as a simple person who has given -and still gives- me warmth and pleasure just by hearing your voice.

May Allah rest your soul in Jannah, for you have given so much to everyone arround you.

Hebba- a girl you never met

Wednesday, March 24, 2010



سأل يوماً طفلاً أباه عن المخلوق الذي اسمه المرأة؟
أجابه والده هل نظرت لكل المميزات والمواصفات التي وضعها الله فيها
يجب أن تمتلك أكثر من 200 جزء متحرك لتؤدي كل ما هو مطلوب منها
يجب أن تكون قادرة على عمل كل أنواع الطعام ...
قادرة أن تحمل بالأولاد ولعدة مرات ..
تعطي الحب الذي يمكن أن يشفي من كل شيء ابتداء" من ألم الركبة انتهاء" بألم انكسار القلب ...
ويجب أن تفعل كل ذلك فقط بيدين اثنتين .
اثنتين فقط ...
تعجب الطفل .... وقال ... بيدين اثنتين ...اثنتين فقط ... هذا مستحيل ...
إنها تداوي نفسها عند مرضها ...
وقادرة أن تعمل 18 ساعة يوميا"
اقترب الطفل من أمه ولمسها ...
وسأل والده : لكنها ناعمة ورقيقة جدا ...
نعم إنها رقيقة لكنّها " قوية جدا"
إنك لا تستطيع تصور مدى قدرتها على التحمل والثبات ...
سأل الطفل : هل تستطيع أن تفكر ؟ ..
أجابه والده ليس فقط التفكير ..
يمكنها أن تقنع بالحجة والمنطق ...
كما يمكنها أن تحاور وتجادل ...
لمس الطفل خدود أمه واستغرب ...
لماذا خدودها مثقبة ..
أجابه والده أنها ليست الثقوب ...إنها الدموع ...
لقد وضع عليها الكثير من الأعباء والأثقال ...
ولماذا كل هذه الدموع ...سأل الطفل ؟؟؟؟
أجابه والده : الدموع هي طريقتها الوحيدة للتعبير ...
التعبير عن حزنها وأساها ...شكها ...قلقها ...حبها ...وحدتها ...معاناتها فخرها...
هذا الكلام كان له الانطباع البليغ لدى الطفل ...
فقال بأعلى صوته ..
حقا" أن هذا المخلوق الذي تدعوه المرأة مذهل جدا"
المرأة تمتلك قوة يدهش لها الرجال ..
يمكنها أن تتعامل مع المشاكل ...
وتحمل الأعباء الثقيلة ...
تراها تبتسم حتى وإن كانت تصرخ ..
تغني وإن كانت على وشك البكاء ..
تبكي حتى عندما تكون في قمة السعادة ..
وتضحك حتى عندما تخاف ...
تدافع عن كل ما تؤمن به ...
وتقف في مواجهة الظلم ...
لا تقول كلمة لا ..
عندما يكون لديها بصيص أمل بوجود حلّ أفضل ...
حبها غير مشروط .
تراها تبكي في انتصار أولادها ...
أو في حزن يصيب أحد من حولها ...
لكنها دائما تجد القوة لتستمر في الحياة ...
تؤمن أن القبلة والعناق يمكن أن تشفي كل قلب منكسر ...........
لكنها دائما" تقع بخطأ واحد ...
أنها لا تعرف قيمة نفسها ...
ولا تعرف كم هي ثمينة ونادرة ............

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Benefits of having a dog and Benefits of being a bird

1. Benefits of having a dog:
- loveable: it loves you back, even more than you love it. it shows this love by act, NOT by words.
- hugable: hugging a dog makes you feel soooo warm from inside. you feel its hugging back when it throws its front legs somehow arround u and keeps its head at ur shoulder. you cant help but not keeping this hug forever.
- trustworthy: it never gives away your secret. never tells what you told it at your weak moments.
- honest: if it doesnt like someone, it barks right at their faces, loud and open. even if it is your best friend :)
- warm: a dog holds tons of warmth in it's heart. you feel it instantly when it "smiles" at you with those lovely big eyes. you feel an inner joy, because this warmth is true and meant only for you.
- sharing: a dog knows by instinct or feeling when you are down and it sticks to your side no matters how hard you try to push it away. it doesnt scream at your face, it doesnt blame you, it doesnt hurt you by leaving. it simply crawls down at your feet, sticking to you as glued, never leaving your side until you feel better. and actually you feel better because of this very special creature :)
- protective: a dog protects you by simply barking in faces of those who upset you. it feels right away that you need help and jumps to your protection. it doesnt hesitate or fear getting hurt. it simply protects someone it loves.
- the love and care of a dog is for as long as you both shall live. it doesnt change, it doesnt disappear, it doesnt go away if you loose your wealth, health, power or position. it is ture everlasting love.straight from the heart.
- a dog will jump to your help when you are sinking. at the moment when everyone else would leave, you would feel lonely and scared- it will be there smiling at you and telling you : i believe in you and i am staying.
- going for a walk with a dog is something really cheerfull. you'd talk the whole time wihtout getting breathless, getting all what bothers you off your chest and start breathing in a better way on your way home.
- a dog is a cheerful companion. it would play with you, listen to your singing and barking accordingly, it will get the ball and run with you along the beach. it appreciates your laughter :)))))

2. Benefits of being a bird:
- you are free
- you can reach the stars and the moon. not in dreams, but you can really touch them
- you have a short, fruitful life.
- the whole world is your home, there is no nationality needed.
- you can build your house anywhere, no papers needed.
- you dont have to work hard to live. your needs are as simple as you are. and you are happy wth the very little you earn.
- you are happy because of the uncomplicated life style you have.
- you dont need anyone's approval on your life style. its your nature and you are just being yourself.
- your kind heart doesnt know hate.
- you have a beautiful voice to sing with and give pleasure to the world.
- you have a very friendly nature, all given from Allah. that's why everyone loves you.
- your little heart is filled with nohting but good stuff: love, happiness, care
- your feelings are ture. if you need to scream you do, if you sing its a cheerfull song, if you fly its a freedom none enjoys but you.
- you never hurt anyone, most of the times it is you who are badly hurt from those selfish creatures arround you.

Don't think i have gone crazy because of this post. it is just i am stating my 2 sincerest wishes, which i know will never come true, and it really breaks my heart to know it:
wish to have a dog- big black german shephered.
wish to be a bird.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

choice is yours.....

You can choose to be kind and you can choose to be hard.

being hard will give you strength and power, especially over those who are "below" you. they will make sure never to cross any of your limits or ever make you angry.
you will always have your car clean, your desk done first thing in the morning, none daring to face you.
a good choice to be, if you are a manager and need to control your subordinates.
a perfect choice for wife and kids- to keep control over your home.
also a good choice to be the most respected person among your colleagues, friends, and neighbours.
being hard with those arround you gives you the prestige you long for.
a hard word sent to someone in the morning gives you the pleasure of being the controlling party.you have just ruined someone's day.
a hard answer to someone's request will ensure you will never be bothered again with such "small things" and enables you to focus on the "big picture".
a frawn will put everyone in place, they must understand how important you are.
smiling to someone is a favour on special occasions. everyone has to know that your smiles are valuable gifts.
being hard with someone who approaches you is a good way to teach them never to approach you again.you deffinetely dont need the distraction.
being hard with someone who reaches out for you gives a clear message: how dare you dream to enter my palace?

there is nothing wrong with this choice....
only, there is no love coming your way.

Dance under the rain

As a young girl i always loved walking under the rain. feel its drops on my face and hair, enjoy the smell of rain in the air, enjoy the atmosphere and lauhgter i was never able to explain. i always laughed when i could walk under the rain. real laughter that reached my heart and showed in my eyes.

when i grow up i often didnt get the chance to walk under the rain and laugh as i used to.
but i have learned a new habit: i learned to dance under the rain :)

dancing under the rain. i could never put it this way, if i havent watched the below movie/slides. its a beautiful description for soemthing that might appear tough, not-so-funny or even sad: coping with life experience.
I have learned to walk through life's challanges and out of them with a new experience.
I have learned to deal with other's behaviour, but picked up only what suits me and made it mine.
I have learned to feel grateful when others hurt me, because I still hate to hurt someone.
I have learned to cry when I am sad, because I am human.
I have leanred to look up at the sky, dream of the moon and reach out to my dreams. for i deserve the moon.
I have learned to share my smiles with my friends, i love it when they smile wiht me.
I have learned to share my friends' tears, because when i care its never a burden- their tears became lighter :)
I have learned that rain is not sky's tears, its a beautiful start of a rainbow

I have learned to dance under the rain. and it is a beautiful feeling.
