Saturday, August 14, 2010

When your child needs you

.... when they do a mistake or take a wrong decision, it is mainly because they are confused (not because they are stupid or silly)
destructive criticism is their enemies role
yours is a loving guidance and a caring understanding.
Please be parent to your child or let them look for a replacement for you.


  1. i fparents only knew what they do to their children with their comments.
    even if their children are 40, they still need support and wise advise of their parents.
    and parents are the only mirror that really matters for their children to see themselves in.
    if they only knew

  2. True, but parenting is much harder than it looks

  3. True, but parenting is much harder than it looks

  4. jessyz, yes it is
    but the reward deserves the long and hard path.
    the reward is a good child that would be your kept investment for your old years.
